Resolving the QD Blinking phenomenon

Our group’s publication on the blinking of QD-dye conjugates was published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.! In it, we demonstrate how QD-organic dye coupled chromophores have problems with energy flow due to blinking. We also demonstrate new statistical methods that reveal non-power law QD blinking. Its on the web now, click here!

Record breaking lifetimes reported

Check out our publication in Nano Lett. where we report a new type of electronic structure for quantum dots that creates the longest lifetime ever reported for II-IV semiconductor QDs!

More Publications!

Our 1st publication with Prof. Haw Yang’s group at Princeton University is on-line at the Journal of Chemical Physics. We assisted their group by providing bright, non-blinking quantum dots for their microscopy tests; read all about it here.


New article in Nanoscale!

Marcell and Eunni just published a new article in Nanoscale! Its a major discovery that core/shell quantum dots can be good reducing agents, better than the core QD! Core/shell nanoparticles are much more stable than core alone, which means that they can finally be used in practical applications! The article has already been getting alot of press, see for example Nanowerk! Good job Marcell and Eunni!